Thursday, November 12, 2009

Childhood's End

Someday we are going to discover that we are not the Cat's Meow of the universe, we are going to wake up in a world that is acknowledged to be only one of many occupied worlds in the Milky Way galaxy. Perhaps this will happen in my lifetime, perhaps not. But I am certain it will happen. When it does, what will it mean for you? I recommend you start thinking about this today.

Yes, the study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) attracts a huge number of people with strange beliefs. But for many of those people, their beliefs are no stranger than the experiences that led them to those beliefs. If the emotionally and mentally unstable were the only examples we had, we would be justified in doubting their veracity, but I urge you to set aside an hour or two to listen to some of the presentations recorded by the Disclosure Project, presentations by civilian and military aircrew, air traffic controllers, NASA retirees, and even NASA astronauts. If you have only a few minutes, the physicist, Stanton Friedman, deserves listening to on the subject of how information has been withheld and knowledge denied by the United States government.

Yes, some of the things that the U.S. government has concealed were matters of national security and secrecy is justified, but not I think, for all cases. Change is coming and we need to be ready.