Friday, June 15, 2007

Double helix

This is not about Watson and Crick, and not an attempt to be funny.

I get messages from time to time. Usually a bit cryptic. "Double helix" is the latest. The implication is something powerful, and intertwined. The potency relates to the intertwining.

Does this relate to the letter from my son a few days ago? not sure. Only time will tell.

OK, double helix: think of the caduceus - the physician's symbol, two snakes entwined around the staff of Mercury, an ancient symbol of healing. Yes, our genetic material takes the form of a double-helical molecular structure but I get the feeling that the meaning here is not that simple (seldom is, anyway).

Look at the helices from another angle: above. The two helices make a circle. We are ONE. One is STRONG. There is no end to the circle. The circle is complete. But the circle (in this case) is only weaker unless both the helices are present.

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